Case studies of a few of our clients at PRC... Want to see if any cases are similar to your own?... Want to know a little more about us and how we can help?... Read on!...
Below you'll find some very informative and easy to understand case studies of just some of our clients and their great progress. Our physiotherapist will be updating this blog regularly to slowly add new and different cases over time. We hope this can help to provide some insight on us and our dedication to getting our clients through their recovery.
These individual case studies can also be accessed on our Facebook page
Client Case #1: Neck, Shoulder and Jaw Pain + Headaches
A young female referred to us by her specialist and her GP. She was referred to us as no other treatments were helping with her worsening neck, shoulder and jaw pain.
Symptoms (at initial consultation):
Long history of TMJ dysfunction (jaw pain) recently affecting her chewing and eating over the last 6-12 months.
Gradually worsening neck and shoulder pain/tightness over the past 1 year.
Strong headaches regularly over the past 6 months.
Dry needling for the tight and inflamed neck and shoulder muscles.
Other physiotherapy manual therapy techniques to relax and accelerate healing.
A progressive home exercise program to strengthen and stretch her jaw, neck and upper back postural muscles.
Results (over just a few weeks):
No more jaw pain and able to eat and chew pain free again.
Significantly reduced neck and shoulder pain and tightness (and improved overall posture).
From previously having headaches 4-5 days per week, to now not having ANY headaches over the past 4 weeks.
The 1st photo below shows our physiotherapists' dry needling in action. The 2nd photo shows the client completing one of her home exercises to strengthen her postural muscles (bent arm rows with resistance band).
Further info on Neck, Shoulder and Jaw Pain + Headaches
Neck and shoulder pain and headaches is a very common and disabling problem that is closely linked to tight, weak and overworked muscles. It can be easily treated by an experienced physiotherapist.
If you're suffering with any similar symptoms, book with Physiotherapy Recovery Clinic Concord now and get it sorted!
Client Case #2: Ankle Sprain/Strain
A young female who recently had a bad ankle sprain while dancing at a party. She was referred to me by her doctor 2 weeks after the injury had happened, because simple rest and pain medication was not helping and her pain was getting worse and worse.
Symptoms (at initial consultation):
Severe pain, swelling and bruising of her right foot and ankle.
Complete NON-weight bearing for 2 full weeks and not moving her ankle at all due to severe pain and fear of further damage.
Using crutches to get around but without proper technique and looking unsafe and unstable especially going up and down stairs.
A combination of ultrasound therapy and other manual therapies to treat the injured tendons and ligaments.
Proper education and demonstration of the correct and safe technique for using crutches on the flat and up and down stairs.
It was also VITAL that we immediately started gentle ankle exercises and weight bearing as tolerated.
Each session saw a gradual progression of her ankle home rehab exercises and weight bearing to gradually restore her ankle strength, flexibility, stability and proprioception.
Results (over only just 2-3 weeks):
We saw great improvements pretty much immediately during the first session and each day those improvements continued...
Full weight bearing and normalised walking with NO crutches.
NO more swelling or bruising of her ankle.
Significantly reduced ankle pain.
Back to climbing stairs, normal walking and driving pain free.
The photos below show her ankle in a bad way BEFORE starting physio and an AFTER photo of her able to complete single leg calf raises (a challenging ankle exercise) with ease.
Further Info on Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains/strains are a very common injury in both athletes and even normal everyday people. They can sometimes heal on their own BUT without the correct rehabilitation and guidance an ankle can stay weak and unstable even after fully healing. In many cases this leads to recurrent ankle sprains, niggly pains and sometimes a worse injury later down the track.
If you suffer from recurrent ankle sprains or have recently hurt your ankle, come down to Physiotherapy Recovery Clinic Concord and get on the right track to recovery (We are OPEN, COVID-19 safe and following all government guidelines and restrictions):
Client Case #3: Achilles Tendonitis and Tear
A very friendly middle aged mother presented to me with severe left heel pain. Her heel pain had been gradually worsening over the previous 2 months and had now gotten to an unbearable level. As a result of this, her GP was quick to refer her to Physiotherapy Recovery Clinic and also to get an ultrasound scan.
Symptoms (at initial consultation):
Recent ultrasound scan: Achilles tendinitis and a partial Achilles tendon tear.
Severe left heel pain, with obvious swelling and redness of her left Achilles tendon.
Very tight and tender left calf muscle and Achilles tendon.
Limping and unable to walk with a normal gait pattern due to pain.
Difficulty with stairs, especially descending due to pain (her home is 2 storey).
Professional education and information on her scan results and what her injury actually is and its prognosis.
Expert guidance and advice on many small but very effective self-management strategies and activity modifications in her day to day life.
A combination of ultrasound therapy and other manual therapies to treat the torn and damaged Achilles tendon.
Manual therapies and mobilisations to reduce the calf and ankle tightness and pain.
Specific exercise prescription was also crucial to slowly but gradually restore the strength and flexibility to the Achilles tendon as well as the calf and ankle.
Results (over only 4 weeks...):
Improvements began right from our very first session and now she’s back to:
Normal walking, completely pain free.
No more pain in her heel or calf at all!
No more swelling, puffiness or redness of her left Achilles tendon.
No more Achilles tendon damage or tear.
Achilles tendon injuries can affect both athletes and even normal everyday people (like the above client).
Further Info on Achilles Tendon Injuries
Without the correct diagnosis and treatment it can stick around and cause havoc for a very long time and gradually worsen into a tear.
If you suffer from heel pain… it could very well be your Achilles tendon. Get it assessed by a professional by contacting Physiotherapy Recovery Clinic Concord and get on the right track to recovery.
(We are OPEN, COVID-19 safe and strictly following all government guidelines and restrictions):
Check out the pictures below to find out more about this client's Achilles tendon injury. Including one of the exercises we utilised in her rehab to strengthen her Achilles tendon.
Client Case #4: Knee Osteoarthritis
A middle aged male presented to me with right knee pain. His pain had suddenly begun since twisting his knee at his workplace 2 weeks prior. His GP referred him straight to me as well as for appropriate scans.
Symptoms (at initial consultation):
X-ray and Ultrasound Scans: Mild-Moderate knee osteoarthritis with knee joint effusion (swelling).
Obvious puffiness and swelling noted on the front and sides of the knee.
Very tender and painful to palpate the knee.
Limited knee range of motion (bending and straightening).
Walking with an obvious limp due to pain.
Currently off work due to pain (his work required long hours of standing, walking and lifting).
Expert education and explanation of his scan results, injury and treatment plan.
Individually tailored guidance and advice on important self-management strategies, appropriate return to work time frames, and activity modifications for his work and daily life.
A combination of ultrasound therapy, hands-on treatment and other manual therapies to reduce inflammation, stiffness, pain and to accelerate healing.
Individually tailored and gradually progressive home exercise program to restore mobility and function to the knee joint as well as strengthen his knee stabiliser muscles.
Results (over only 3-4 weeks...):
Improvements began right from our first session and now he has:
NO more pain or swelling of the knee.
Walking completely normal with NO pain or limping.
Full pain free range of motion of his knee.
Noticeably stronger and more flexible knee stabiliser muscles.
Working full time on normal pre-injury duties.
Further Info on Osteoarthritis Related Knee Pain
This clients pain was caused by what is known as an acute exacerbation of knee osteoarthritis (OA). OA is a very common condition that mostly impacts weight-bearing joints and is directly related to wear and tear over time.
Many people with mild or moderate OA may not even have any symptoms.... however, the joint is more vulnerable to developing pain and injuries if it does not have a network of strong muscles supporting it.
If you’re suffering from knee pain or even pain from osteoarthritis in other joints of the body… get it assessed by a professional by contacting Physiotherapy Recovery Clinic Concord and get on the right track to recovery.
Check out the Photo below to see what my clients swollen knee looked like before starting physiotherapy. His swelling begun to reduce significantly within just the first week of beginning treatment.
By: Adam Fracassi (Physiotherapy Recovery Clinic Concord)